
Tuesday, 30 June 2015

The God of Check up and Check out

(Mental note: What a powerful title!)

First reading was taken from the book of Samuel 2:6.

2 Samuel 2:6 (NIV)

May the Lord now show you kindness and faithfulness, and I too will show you the same favor because you have done this.

From this passage, we see that God’s capacity is greater than ours. He giveth as well as taketh. We must take time and caution to be observant and analyse our circles/ relationships, positive or not, and do what must be done. Sister (well Aunty to me haha) Eti then brings up the story of Abraham and Lot (REMINDER - still need to read and learn from this story).

The story of Abraham and Lot demonstrates that the relationship between them was not profitable unto Abraham. We briefly discussed how funny it is that this demonstration of relationship value is between a family member. If Abraham was able to understand that the relationship with his own ‘flesh and blood’ was affecting his blessing from the Almighty; why is it so hard to let go of dead friendships /relationships with people in general.

The next scripture was taken from the book of Genesis 13:14-18.

Genesis 13:14-18(NIV)

14 The Lord said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, “Look around from where you are, to the north and south, to the east and west. 15 All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever. 16 I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted. 17 Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you.” 18 So Abram went to live near the great trees of Mamre at Hebron, where he pitched his tents. There he built an altar to the Lord.

Here we see that God checked up and checked out that party, allowing Abraham to fulfil his duty. We all have to get a place of importance, but when people are blocking our path, we need to realise that a release needs to take action. If something is causing you more harm, allowing God to check it out. 

Note: Haven’t you ever notice that when you feel a strain on a relationship/friendship, there's like a strange awkwardness. It’s God giving you that swift exit. But as human beings, we want to take the hard road; ‘God please I asked for you to release me from my enemies but sister A has such charisma oh, and brother B always listen to my troubles though he too is part of them at times.’ 

Then, when you're still hanging onto these people that have served their season in your life, expiring and their left-over mould’ is causing you more harm than trouble; so you then have to leave the relationship with drama, instead of taking that swift exit God graced you with.


"How much do you want your blessing?" - Sister Eti. When she said this I just had to pause and think. Like when we pray to God, speaking before we're truly thinking and making that covenant with God to bless us and we’ll continue to do ABXYZ; but how much do you really want it?

Most of the time, the blessing which we're seeking, or which is coming our way can't come because of what is around us. For example; you want to get the best grades but you're hanging out with a crowd that is not aiding in your revision progression. You need to allow the things of the world to not hold back your blessings.

- Analyse the foundation of your friendships and let God check it out if needs be. What God has not sanctioned he will not elevate.

- What God will give you is better than what you have already. It seems hard when things are not going to plan but such is life, God is a God of YES where other God’s who we worship (this could be in the form of trusting in the word of man more than faith in God) are the gods of maybe/no.

Food for thought
The 5 friends we need in life:

The Collaborator - Understands your vision, connecting with your purpose
The Confronter - Confront your stupidity
The Coach - We don’t need a title to pour out a type of wisdom.
The Catcher - Whilst you are learning something, they will too learn
The Confidant - They understand your personality, keeping you sane

Written by Olivia-Zara <3 

EVERY female has encountered troubles in friendship, and this word has put so much in perspective! Checking up and checking out is a continuous process, the same way you can love your closest friends, you can also show love to friends that have done you wrong - even though you may not want to be close to these former friends, ensure that no hatred lives in you, and you still love them from afar. Always ask yourself; What would Jesus do?

Check up, check out. The choice is yours!

Thanks for reading! Follow us on twitter:

Instagram: @ladieswhofellowship

God bless you all and #LWFITC



Sunday, 14 June 2015

The Proverbs 31 Woman - Meeting 14

Whilst researching one of the most famous verses in the Bible for women, I stumbled across some points of what makes a Proverbs 31 woman:

Often women believe that Proverbs 31 doesn’t really apply to our modern lives. However, God’s Word stands the test of time. The 10 Virtues of the Proverbs 31 Woman demonstrates how, as Christian women today, we can all be Proverbs 31 Women.
Faith – A Virtuous Woman serves God with all of her heart, mind, and soul. She seeks His will for her life and follows His ways. (Proverbs 31: 26, Proverbs 31: 29 – 31, Matthew 22: 37, John 14: 15, Psalm 119: 15
Health – A Virtuous Woman cares for her body. She prepares healthy food for her family. (Proverbs 31: 14 – 15, Proverbs 31: 17, 1 Corinthians 6: 19, Genesis 1: 29, Daniel 1, Leviticus 11)
Service – A Virtuous Woman serves her husband, her family, her friends, and her neighbors with a gentle and loving spirit. She is charitable. (Proverbs 31: 12, Proverbs 31: 15, Proverbs 31: 20, 1 Corinthians 13: 13)
Finances – A Virtuous Woman seeks her husband’s approval before making purchases and spends money wisely. She is careful to purchase quality items which her family needs. (Proverbs 31: 14, Proverbs 31: 16, Proverbs 31: 18, 1 Timothy 6: 10, Ephesians 5: 23, Deuteronomy 14: 22, Numbers 18: 26)
Industry – A Virtuous Woman works willingly with her hands. She sings praises to God and does not grumble while completing her tasks. (Proverbs 31: 13, Proverbs 31: 16, Proverbs 31: 24, Proverbs 31: 31, Philippians 2: 14)
Homemaking – A Virtuous Woman is a homemaker. She creates an inviting atmosphere of warmth and love for her family and guests. She uses hospitality to minister to those around her. (Proverbs 31: 15, Proverbs 31: 20 – 22, Proverbs 31: 27, Titus 2: 5, 1 Peter 4: 9, Hebrews 13: 2)
Time – A Virtuous Woman uses her time wisely. She works diligently to complete her daily tasks. She does not spend time dwelling on those things that do not please the Lord. (Proverbs 31: 13, Proverbs 31: 19, Proverbs 31: 27, Ecclesiastes 3, Proverbs 16: 9, Philippians 4:8 )
Beauty – A Virtuous Woman is a woman of worth and beauty. She has the inner beauty that only comes from Christ. She uses her creativity and sense of style to create beauty in her life and the lives of her loved ones. (Proverbs 31: 10Proverbs 31: 21 – 22, Proverbs 31: 24 -25, Isaiah 61: 10, 1 Timothy 2: 9, 1 Peter 3: 1 – 6)

Our guest speaker Natasha not only touched on many of these vital points in a way that affects our everyday lives as women, but she spoke personally to us in a way that made us forcibly recognise within ourselves what we can improve on to not only be better spiritually in Christ, but better women also.
Proverbs 31:21 - She is not afraid of snow for her household, for all her household is clothed with scarlet.
We need to be ready to stand bold in Christ when the storm comes. A Proverbs 31 woman has a tick list - why are we sometimes so afraid to possess these characteristics?
Hebrews 13: 8 - Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
The same God will carry you through the storm. 
It's interesting how the Proverbs 31 woman reminds us a lot as females of our worth. Deep down many of us know our worth and settle for less than what God has ordained for us. We need to stay headfast and strong in the word, as Proverbs 31 can remind us of our worth daily
Aspire to be a better you, and continue to have a deep-rooted relationship with Christ so that you are able to fulfil your purpose.
A question to pray over: What are you doing each day that amounts to you fulfilling your purpose?

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @fellowshipladys and check out our Instagram @ladieswhofellowship

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Break The Cycle - Money

1 Timothy 6:10 ESV 

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.

Money and I have never been the best of friends. I remember in secondary school when my dad would give me lunch money each week (£10), and my mum would tell me save at least £2 a week. It never happened. My mum had always (and still does) lecture me about the importance of saving. I never really understood it. Until now. 
money - the assets, property, and resources owned by someone or something.

The cycle continued with struggling to save. College came and I was lucky enough to get £20 a week EMA - still didn't save a penny. So I thought, 'why not get a job?' got a job, got a bit better with money but shortly after leaving the job due to exams, I had nothing to show for those hours. Still relying on parents for pocket money which wasn't much of an issue as by this point I was 17. The summer before going to uni, I got a part time job after coming back from holiday, waiting for payday was so, so painful. I had to sometimes cancel plans with friends as I literally couldn't even afford going to the cinema, let alone pay for a meal at nando's. I would starve during work and run home after to cook, eat, and sleep. That cycle became so repetitive and tedious.

As university was constantly on my mind at this point, I knew that this would be the start of better management with time, and money! At this point the idea of money, looking after it, and spending it, wasn't a big worry or something that I read about a lot. Money should never have control over my life and never will.

Whilst starting university I came over this beautiful verse that set so much in stone, I meditate over it a lot since then:

Hebrews 13:5 NIV
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.

I never have and never will worship money. I was good at handling it, I just couldn't save. Within weeks it would be gone. Then overdraft happened. Student accounts and overdraft = drama! Why on earth did I begin spending money I didn't have? Minus £400 then turned into minus £800, then £1000 overdrawn. No one around me other than my family knew that I wasn't the best with saving - and I didn't always see it as a problem being so overdrawn as I promised myself to bring the account up to + on my next payday/student finance installment.

It happened, then the cycle repeated itself. Over and over, and over again. 

Matthew 6:24 ESV 
No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.
I am a big believer in giving, I've been donating to my favourite charities for each month 2+ years and always put others before myself. However, charity begins at home!
I am now 21, in a full-time job position I love, and have decided to BREAK THE CYCLE! No matter how much money you have, you can still fall short to self-discipline. It took 4 years to realise that money will NEVER have power over you, YOU have the power; the power to stop this continuous cycle that God forbid will one day run you into the ground. God has taught me to place love over unmateralistic things that do have lasting value, to be thankful, to give even when I'm not fully able, and to be on top of things of the world that I do have control over!

Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

God has instilled the power within me to use my initiative when handling certain possessions. Don't ever let things of the world run you into the ground. Break the repetitive cycle.

Written by Hannah