
Saturday, 18 July 2015

Part 1 of meeting no.16: The road to Emmaus

Step-to-step of how we started our meeting! Many thanks to our sister Rae for delivering such a great message <3

  • The bible tells us not to be ashamed of our testimonies, that our mouths should speak of his righteousness and we should speak of his name to our brothers and in the midst of a congregation to sing of his praises. What testimony do you have in the last week or so? Describe your testimony in a couple of words.

Luke 24:13-35- Finding God on the Emmaus road
Cleopas and a companion of his (disciples of Jesus) were walking to Emmaus following the day after Jesus had risen from the dead. On their way to Emmaus from Jerusalem they were talking about things that happened. As they were walking Jesus appeared to them they were kept from seeing him, and did not recognise him.  Jesus asked them what they were talking about and why were they sad. They were surprised as to why this man had not heard of the things that had been happening for the last couple of days. Jesus asked them what things and they told him of Jesus Christ of Nazareth- the things that had happened to him. Jesus responded by “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?” And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself”. They then drew close to the village to where they were going and then continued as if he was going farther. Cleopas and his friend asked Jesus to stay with him. When they were at the table, Jesus broke bread with them and gave it to them. Their eyes were opened and they realised the man they were speaking to was Jesus. They asked each other “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us”. So they rose up and returned to Jerusalem and told the other disciples that Jesus had risen.

  • The background of this is that Jesus had died and risen. It was the third (Underline the third day in day)-completion, Jesus had done it he had completed what he set out to do.
  • Emmaus (underline this word) has several meanings. Its thought to be a Hellenized version of the Hebrew name Hammath. The name Hammath comes from the root חמם(hamam), meaning to be warm. Greek meaning is said to mean warm spring. root-verbחמם (hamam) means to be hot or warm, and that usually in the physical sense. Emmaus means hot springs.
    • The spiritual (Greek) meaning Emmaus means “earnest longing”.  During their walk to the town they had a longing to understand what the man was saying to them-discussions and questions. They wanted to know more.
    • It was town 7 miles away from Jerusalem (Underline the 7 miles away)-completion and perfection (
  • They had lost hope, being sad and walking downcast (depressed, melancholy, gloomy, dejected meaning in greek). They’re walking away from everything that God was doing in Jerusalem (Jerusalem was the centre of all what was going on as believers). They believed the saviour had died and was no more. They thought the man who appeared to them was a stranger
    • Look to verse 19-24. The way they were talking about Jesus they did not really believe that he had resurrected. This is why were so discouraged because of vs 21, because they thought Jesus would save Israel in the way they expected, the last thing they expected for Jesus is to suffer. Looking for someone to save them from the oppression of Moses etc
    • Have you ever lost hope- how am I going to make it? Had the most wonderful experience but if I can just have you, have a desire/a longing? If you can just appear in my life
    • The hope is that you’re going to show up and satisfy the longing. The men were sad and had lost hope, but Jesus still appeared
    • Why did Jesus show up to the two men? He is pursuing and seeking them
      • Psalm 14:2- God is looking down from heaven, to see if there are any of us who’ll seek him
      • Luke 19:10- Jesus told us he came down to seek and save those who are lost. The men were lost and had lost hope walking away from everything God was doing in Jerusalem.
      • Luke 15:8-10- the parable of the lost coin. Woman searching for her lost coin, if she loses one coin would she not search over. Same as God who continues to pursue and try to find us
      • Luke 15:20. The parable of the lost son. The lost son was a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion. The same here in this story the two men were a way off from Jerusalem were things were happening but Jesus still saw them and turned up.
      • Ezekiel 34:11- God says him himself will search for his sheep (us) and seek us out

    • If you'd like the rest of the notes on this message, please email us at

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