
Sunday, 29 March 2015

Meeting number 9: Knowing God

Do we know God?? 

As we continue to grow in christ this is a question we should eventually stop asking ourselves, as the more knowledge we seek from Him, the more it shall seep and manifest into our lives, and therefore the light of Christ will be shun through us. Amen.

In this very interactive and intimate meeting, we discussed several character traits of God, and backed it up with scripture.

Know God's Character 

It's important that we know God's character. Why? It gives us discernment. If we don't know the character of God, how can we ever know who is from God and who is not from God? Here are three character traits of God that help me stay in tune with who He is and what He is doing: 

1. Justice: God is a God of justice. That word justice is so awesome because it means that He will always make anything that's wrong right. This helps me to not worry when I am mistreated because I know God will bring justice. It's who He is. 

2. Goodness: God is good, this fact never changes. And He's good all the time, not just once in a while or when things go your way. Psalm 34:8 says, "Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him" (NIV). When things are bad, I find great encouragement in God's goodness. 

3. Holiness: God is holy and righteous, and He desires to make us holy, pure and clean, free from the defilements of sin. To be honest, it has helped me in my walk with God to realize that whatever He does is right, whether I like it or not. This helps me to stay in sync with Him. 

These three traits are not the only characteristics of God, but they are some of the most significant and powerful ones to me. 
I encourage you to spend some time looking up these traits, and other traits of God that are important to you. When you study who He is, the Holy Spirit will help you incorporate His traits into your own personality. Begin to practice them in your daily life, and see what God does... You won't be disappointed. 

Can we think of other characteristics and attributes of God, that tell us who he is?

Some Bible verses that tell us of the characteristics of God:
1 John 4:8- God is love
Hebrews 13:8- God transcends time
Isaiah 40:28- God is everlasting and the creator of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary, his understanding is unsearchable
John 14:6-the way, the truth and the life
John 3:16- God loves us that's why he gave us his son
John 14:26- The Holy Spirit is a helper and a teacher
Psalm 18:30- His way is perfect and his word is true
Philippians 4:7- God is of peace
Genesis 1:1- God is a creator
Micah 17:18-19- God is forgiving, compassionate, he's not angry forever because he delights in love 
Exodus 34:6-7- merciful, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, forgives sin
John 4:24- God is spirit
1 Corinthians 10:13- God is faithful
Psalm 12:6- Lord's words are pure
Jeremiah 23:23- nothing is difficult for him (all powerful)

Romans 11:33- God is wise and knowledgable

Another awesome thing about thiss meeting is the fact that we were each able to find a link with the traits of knowing God around the table, and were able to share experiences; and even testimonies! God is so great. We always want to grow and learn in the Word and principles of God, and this please Him? Why? Because we are actively seeking out to KNOW Him! He's beautiful, He is life. We thank God for the Word.


We are expanding through His glory!

Meeting number 8 on Friday 13th March was beautiful. It was full of smiles, laughter, notebooks, intimacy, and most importantly; The Word. Social media used brilliant! Quantity of people in the meetings was never a huge worry when coming to meetings, as scripture says:

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:20 King James Version

HOWEVER, the amount of wonderful ladies at this meeting was beyond humbling! We all joined together to get clued up in the word. We also had a sister to join us and deliver such a powerful word on trusting and obeying. We then went onto think and pray over a shorter topic on living for God, to think over the course of the next few weeks until we meet again.

Notes on trusting and obeying by @SamDerSinger [amazing!]:

Jeremiah 1:5 
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." (NIV)

- There are things that God will place in your heart, know that this is true - be obedient in his instructions and obey.

- UNDERSTAND the VISION of where God is leading you.

Romans 8:28

26-28 Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good. (MSG)

Keep both eyes fixed on God.
- Growth is uncomfortable, it won't ever be easy!
- Be ready to do whatever God has told you to do, no matter whatever nation you are in.

Genesis 12:2-3The Message (MSG)

2-3 I’ll make you a great nation
        and bless you.
    I’ll make you famous;
        you’ll be a blessing.
    I’ll bless those who bless you;
        those who curse you I’ll curse.
    All the families of the Earth
        will be blessed through you.”
- Learn to wait on The Lord so that he will renew your strength
Questions to deliberate over:


A snippet video of the lovely Sam speaking beautiful words unto us!..:

Meeting number 7!

Our seventh lesson was very interactive and informative and full of advice, which is one of the great things about meeting together with ladies and not only gaining normal advice, but Godly advice.

An important characteristic of seeking advice is to also remember who to talk to first; GOD!

Great meeting! Meeting number 7 we really give thanks to God.

And of course notes of our lesson of the day:

Taking Responsibility
When life or people disappoint us, we have a responsibility to remain stable and continue with God's purpose for our lives.
Consider Psalm 94:12-13. 
How blessed the man you train, God,
    the woman you instruct in your Word,
Providing a circle of quiet within the clamor of evil,
    while a jail is being built for the wicked.
God will never walk away from his people,
    never desert his precious people.
Rest assured that justice is on its way
    and every good heart put right.
Notice that it does not say that God keeps us calm. It says He gives us power to keep ourselves calm. We are partners with God. His part is to give us ability and our part is to be responsible.
Responsibility means 'to respond to the ability we have.' An irresponsible person wants God to do everything while he does nothing except follow his feelings. But don't let your feelings run the show. Declare out loud right now, "I have attended my last pity party." I can promise you: in the end you will feel much better about yourself if you take responsibility than if you avoid it.
God cares for you, but He won't do your part. He enables you to do it, but let me emphasize that He won't do it for you! I dare you to stand firm, take responsibility and begin working with God to have the blessed life He's planned for you.

Prayer Starter: God, Your Word says that You've given me the ability to remain calm. I receive that today. I won't let my feelings run my life, and I will be responsible and respond the way You want me to.

We even had a guest speaker!

Getting connected through the use of social media is an incredible thing. Day by day I see loads of sisters of Christ preach such uplifting words of wisdom. I am also a member of 'Ladies that do breakfast', and with the guidance of founder of the group and my older sister, I then created Ladies who Fellowship in the city!

As well as group meetings(at ladies that do breakfast), there were also features of guest speakers to come in which I thought was great! It's also a good test of strength to see more of the growth of this group.

I'm so glad that we were able to exchange words and messages through other sisters in Christ who gave up their time to join us to fellowship and lead our study! We even had a man in our midst on this one occasion who joined us! It was very refreshing also hearing his thoughts

Our first 6 Bible studies/fellowships so far

So by date, here is each Bible study/fellowship meeting we have had since we began on 17th November 2014! A majority of these lessons have been inspired by one of my favourite women of God - Joyce Meyer! Love her preachings.

Here they are!:

Lesson 1) Removing Distractions  17/11/14

 Bible verses: Matthew 30-33
 One of Satan's more cunning weapons is distraction. He knows if we become sidetracked by the cares of the world that, more than likely, we will begin to neglect our time with God. 

To keep us faithful and in close fellowship and communion with Him, sometimes God wants us to remove distractions that are separating us from Him, even if it hurts. 

For example, if our career or desire for money or social status are more important to us than pleasing God, we need to get our priorities straight. Or maybe a relationship is keeping you from spending time with God and you're looking for that person's attention and approval more than God's. The bottom line is, any situation or desire in our life that keeps us from being led by the Holy Spirit or living for God is an unhealthy distraction that's not good for us. 
God wants us to be moved by His Spirit, not by distractions. So today, set aside all of the distractions of life and purposely focus on God. When you seek God first with your whole heart, you will find Him. He's always there waiting for you. 

Prayer Starter: Lord, I ask You to help me remove all of the distractions in my life, even if it hurts. Help me to seek You above all else and be led by the Holy Spirit in my daily life. I want to live for You!

My notes: that is the way I would have hoped to open this fellowship group and study, to remind ourselves as well as myself that I want to draw closer to God and therefore place my growth with Him before anything or anyone else, so that He can guide my footsteps during my life here on earth as well as in Heaven

Lesson 2 - 03/12/14 - Passing Life's Tests 

Life is filled with challenges that test our determination and our faith in God. Whether we're faced with the impending threat of evil or with everyday hassles, the quality of our character is sure to be tested on a regular basis. 

It would be a great mistake to overlook the fact that God tests our hearts, our emotions and our minds. What does it mean to test something? It means to put pressure on it to see if it will do what it says it will do. Will it hold up under stress? Can it perform at the level its maker says it can? Is it genuine when measured against a true standard of quality? 

God does the same with us. 
Are you being tested today? The key is to keep trusting God, even if you don't understand. There is no such thing as trusting God without unanswered questions, but when you push ahead, despite your doubts, He will build you up and make you strong.
Prayer Starter: Lord, when tested, I want to be ready, holding up under pressure, following You no matter what. Show me daily how to put my trust in You, even when I struggle with unanswered questions.

Psalm 7:9
My notes..we all face tests in life and can define it in several ways, I brought up the struggle of companionship and hopes in finding a husband, and that the men I have encountered and situations I have been in add to the meaning of tests that we face in life, and how we should always overcome and trust God throughout the process.

Lesson 3 - 19/12/14 - You Have Potential

It's amazing how many gifted people there are who just sit on the sidelines of life and do nothing. They never take a step forward to use the gifts God has given them because they don't believe they're gifted in the first place. Are you one of them?

The truth is, God has given each one of us gifts, talents and abilities. He has a great plan for you and has equipped you to do great things for His Kingdom. But until you see yourself the way He sees you and trust Him to enable you to use your gifts, you won't live up to your God-given potential. 

If you're struggling with low self-esteem, a poor self-image and lacking confidence, I want you to know that God created you with amazing potential. And when you trust God and believe you can do whatever He says you can do, you will fulfill His destiny for your life. 

Remember, "all things are possible with God." When you put your confidence in Him, you will be free to live up to your potential. 

Prayer Starter: God, help me to see myself through Your eyes, with the gifts and talents You've given me. I believe that You made me with great potential because You are a great God. Today, I put my confidence in You and believe that all things are possible with You!

Bible verses Mark 10:27

Lesson 4 - 09/01/14 - Fasting

During this time of the year we spoke about fasting; the Daniel's fast in particular. 

The Daniel's Fast is based on the fasting experiences of the Old Testament Prophet. It’s a partial fast where some foods are eaten while others are restricted. Most people use this method of fasting for 21 consecutive days.

Entering into a period of extended prayer and fasting is like pushing the “pause button” on life so you can draw nearer to God. The Holy Spirit joins you in this experience as you open your heart to receive from the Lord.

You have a choice when you fast. You can focus the food and matters of the flesh. Or, you can enter into a deep spiritual experience with the Lord so He can work in your life and on your behalf. Don’t settle for less by catering to the flesh. Instead reach out for the best and allow God to minister to you.

We spoke about the importance of fasting - when you are READY. When you grow in the word and have intimacy with God, you then learn about the true meaning of sacrifice = fasting. Grow in knowledge and spirit before applying these actions into your life. 

Do things with love and take heart! 

5) 30/01/15 - God Has a Great Plan Just for You!

We need to refrain from comparing ourselves to anyone else because God doesn't want us to be frustrated and feel unworthy of the blessings He desires to give us.

Comparing our lives with other people's lives is unfair, to them and to us. It's unfair to them because if we become jealous of what they have, what they know, how they look, etc., we start to resent them. Then we can no longer appreciate them as the wonderful person God made them to be.

It's unfair to us because it limits God's plan for our lives. Comparison says to God, 'I want to limit Your work in my life to this and nothing else. I just want to be like this other person.'

But God has an individual plan for each of us. His plan for you is greater than you could possibly imagine. Stop looking at His plans for others so you can walk in the plans He has for you and receive the blessings they bring.

Prayer Starter: Holy Spirit, help me to examine my heart honestly and expose any jealousy, resentment or frustration in me that has developed from comparing myself to others. I want to be all that You want me to be and live the life You have for me.

 - had amazing fellowship words also from guest speakers Eti and Kanayo who gave advice to each person as well as speaking truth and word about THE word.

Scripture references:

Galatians 6:4 [New International Version (NIV)] 
4 Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else,

Jeremiah 29:11 KJV- For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Jeremiah 1:5 KJV - Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, [and] I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

Isaiah 40:31 KJV- But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.

Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV- Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

6) 13/02/15 - Speaking truth!
Speak Truth 
What situations make hedging the truth most tempting to you? What does this reveal about your motivations or values? And how can you better align your motivations, valuesand wordswith God?Genesis 20
Practice Self-Control 
What has happened in your life and relationships when you failed to exercise self-control? Here is help for identifying weaknesses and fortifying your governance of strong emotions, deep desires and unconscious habits.
Judges 16
Respect Your Body 
People appear in many shapes and sizesall given bodies by God. How do you misuse or neglect your body? What should you do to care for your body? Why is your body important to living with integrity?
Corinthians 6:12-20
Expect Temptation 
Temptation is unavoidable. Though God promises not to let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, you still must prepare yourself to deter or defeat the temptations that are part of daily life. What tempts you most? What can you do to deal with temptation?
Genesis 39

What are our meetings like?

We meet and have nice lunches whilst discussing the topic of the session! I try my best to make sure each place for the meeting is convenient for most us that are either working or studying in the city.

Each meeting is usually between 60-90 minutes, mostly depending on quantity and timings. They have been no less than an hour so far which is great! I was so nervous they would be short and snappy lol so it's so lovely knowing how much these excellent ladies want to be more vocal in Christ and are not afraid to give opinions across as well as learning of course!


I always ensure that each cafe is comfortable for us, has a nice vibe, and nice food! It's important to be concentrated and comfortable when discussing the word of God with others.