As we continue to grow in christ this is a question we should eventually stop asking ourselves, as the more knowledge we seek from Him, the more it shall seep and manifest into our lives, and therefore the light of Christ will be shun through us. Amen.
In this very interactive and intimate meeting, we discussed several character traits of God, and backed it up with scripture.
Know God's Character
It's important that we know God's character. Why? It gives us discernment. If we don't know the character of God, how can we ever know who is from God and who is not from God? Here are three character traits of God that help me stay in tune with who He is and what He is doing:
1. Justice: God is a God of justice. That word justice is so awesome because it means that He will always make anything that's wrong right. This helps me to not worry when I am mistreated because I know God will bring justice. It's who He is.
2. Goodness: God is good, this fact never changes. And He's good all the time, not just once in a while or when things go your way. Psalm 34:8 says, "Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him" (NIV). When things are bad, I find great encouragement in God's goodness.
3. Holiness: God is holy and righteous, and He desires to make us holy, pure and clean, free from the defilements of sin. To be honest, it has helped me in my walk with God to realize that whatever He does is right, whether I like it or not. This helps me to stay in sync with Him.
These three traits are not the only characteristics of God, but they are some of the most significant and powerful ones to me.
I encourage you to spend some time looking up these traits, and other traits of God that are important to you. When you study who He is, the Holy Spirit will help you incorporate His traits into your own personality. Begin to practice them in your daily life, and see what God does... You won't be disappointed.
Can we think of other characteristics and attributes of God, that tell us who he is?
Some Bible verses that tell us of the characteristics of God:
1 John 4:8- God is love
Hebrews 13:8- God transcends time
Isaiah 40:28- God is everlasting and the creator of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary, his understanding is unsearchable
John 14:6-the way, the truth and the life
John 3:16- God loves us that's why he gave us his son
John 14:26- The Holy Spirit is a helper and a teacher
Psalm 18:30- His way is perfect and his word is true
Philippians 4:7- God is of peace
Genesis 1:1- God is a creator
Micah 17:18-19- God is forgiving, compassionate, he's not angry forever because he delights in love
Exodus 34:6-7- merciful, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, forgives sin
John 4:24- God is spirit
1 Corinthians 10:13- God is faithful
Psalm 12:6- Lord's words are pure
Jeremiah 23:23- nothing is difficult for him (all powerful)
Romans 11:33- God is wise and knowledgable
Another awesome thing about thiss meeting is the fact that we were each able to find a link with the traits of knowing God around the table, and were able to share experiences; and even testimonies! God is so great. We always want to grow and learn in the Word and principles of God, and this please Him? Why? Because we are actively seeking out to KNOW Him! He's beautiful, He is life. We thank God for the Word.
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